One of the most frustrating parts of winter is the need to shovel snow. You might just want to wait until springtime and just let it all melt. However, the effort must be given.

If you’re tired of wasting time and effort on removing snow every winter, it’s time to use these 9 snow removal tips for your home suggested by the lawn works to get the job done easier, more effectively, and better than ever before.

Top 9 Snow Removal Tips:


In Upstate Landscaping Iroquois, we’re pretty used to the snowfall. So, when we suggest putting large stakes around your driveway and other walkways, you should use that advice. It’s helpful whether you hire a snowplow company, shovel yourself or use a snow blower. While you may think you’ll know exactly where your driveway is, it’s not as easy to locate with a couple of feet of snow.


Shoveling snow during the winter is annoying as it is. If you don’t have a quality shovel to work with, you’re just making it harder on yourself and your back. While it might be tempting to buy a cheap shovel when you’re making your decision, it’s wiser to not be a penny-pincher. Spend more money on a heavy plastic or aluminum blade shovel that will get the job done easier.

Also, be mindful that large shovels aren’t always the best. Large shovels can cause back pain and arm stiffness. If you’re looking to find a shovel for heavy snowfalls, you should buy a s-blade shovel. C-blade shovels are better for lighter snowfalls.


This is a mistake that a lot of homeowners simply don’t consider when they’re removing snow. Whether they’re removing snow from a roof, from a deck, or from the driveway, you should avoid piling snow next to the side of your house. This will only lead to issues such as frozen pipes and even potentially cause cracks in your home’s foundation.


Shoveling snow can be a grueling activity, especially as you get older. If you don’t plan to hire a snow removal service, then it’s best that you follow these Lawn Care Jeffersonville safety tips.

  • Bend your knees and lift with your legs.
  • Keep the blade close to you as you lift the snow.
  • Switch between shoveling left-handed and right-handed to avoid overstraining one side of the body.
  • Periodically switch your grip between overhand and underhand.
  • When the snowfall is heavy, don’t try to clear the entire depth at once; only do half at one time.


Whenever you’re removing snow, the reality is that it needs to be done frequently. The snow doesn’t seem to stop, but if you do you just make your job harder the next day. If you leave removing snow until the next day, the snow will start to stick to ground and might even freeze. This makes your job ten times harder.


If you’re just done with shoveling snow in the winter, invest in a snow blower. Snow blowers of Lawn Care Jeffersontown can take away a lot of the tedious parts of removing snow in the winter, but you’ll still need a shovel for your deck. While it’s a faster method of removing snow, it’s also a more expensive option as snow blowers can cost up to $500.


If you have a flat roof that is easily accessible, you can shovel your roof, but it’s important that you don’t damage your roof covering. Also, you should always consider your own personal safety before attempting to shovel your roof.


It may be possible to remove snow and ice from a sloped roof using a roof rake, which is a long-handled tool that is specifically designed for this reason.


There are a bunch of different Landscaping Jeffersontown options you can use to eliminate a slippery driveway and even a walkway such as salt (sodium chloride), calcium chloride, calcium magnesium acetate, and urea. Learning about the potential consequences of using each form of ice melt is important because these items can end up damaging plants, damaging flooring in your house, or harm your pets.

Snow storms and colder temperatures always seem to be on the horizon, but being prepared and following the guidelines above will make snow removal easier so that you can protect and preserve your home.

Some Important Lawn Care Tips

Air your lawn to go with Thatch

Thatch is a layered lawn mower, moss and other organic materials that can be developed on your lawn. If your lawn is covered with a cape, you can not breathe or absorb water or fertilizer. An annual aeration of the Lawn Care Buechel Terrace solve that problem by breaking it down and accelerating its dissolution. Soil plugs resulting from aeration contain microorganisms that digest the cane.

Air for water saving and protection against drought

If your lawn has a cane accumulated, water can not absorb it properly. Even if your soil is hard and compressed, water will swim in your lawn and will reduce the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to the soil. Aerating facilitates compaction on your lawn and improves the penetration of air, water and nutrients to a healthier soil.

Aerate for weeds and insect resistance

The central aeration is good for carrots. Curing the lawn through Lawn Maintenance New ensures that water, air and nutrients reach their roots, improve growth and, therefore, prevent the herb from spreading. In addition, insects that want to thrive on their lawns, like worms, will fall off, while other insect infections (such as bedbugs) will be abandoned if it breaks their environment.

Aerate for better growth of fertilizer and peat absorption

Airborne soil also increases the influence of fertilizer on the root system. If you light your lawn Landscaping Buechel Terrace carefully, you can make the most of your fertilizer investment. In addition, aeration ensures that new lawn locations grow for a stronger lawn.

Air to Free Top Dressing

As you air the lawn, you leave thousands of cores of soil on the surface of your garden. We provide a superior dressing that allows you to keep moisture in the grass and protect your grass until the next rain.

Air when your grass is in maximum growth

Depending on the type of grass on your lawn, you can escape during different seasons. Mainly you want to aerate if your grass is in high season. That means the late spring for the warm season grass, and preferably early autumn for the cold season grass.

Gently wind your lawn

You can use a lot of tools to hear your floor, from a simple fork to a mechanical aerator. But whatever you use, be sure to mark your lawn before you start aerating. Mark brand flags, mark all irrigation heads, cabinets, surface irrigation pipes or surface wiring, and all other components that can be damaged by aeration.

Air completely with multiple passages

When you are ready to go, listen to the lawn according to the same pattern as when you are cutting. For best results, perform several steps with the aerator to prevent inconsistent grass growth with separate grass patches. If your lawn is in good condition, it is sufficient. If your lawn has large bare areas, adjust three to four. The more plugs and holes you have in the lawn, the better.

Air with the right tools

With optional accessories, cultivation, tilting, sweeping, rooting, and, of course, Lawn Care Jeffersonville can work as a workflow, making it a great tool for many garden and garden work. You can also rely on a hand-held speaker and do not necessarily need an aerator, depending on the size of your lawn. Other techniques for lawn aeration include nails, push aerators and lawn aeration shoes. The main difference between nails and plugs is that the previous individual holes will graze their bottom while the latter actually eliminates the grips.

After Lawn Aeration

After the aeration process, properly care for your garden, including fertilization, irrigation and cutting. Depending on the health of your lawn, you can fly every year or two. However, if your lawn is in good condition, you often do not have to go through the aeration process.

Winter Lawn Care Tips

In most of the country, the grass is dormant in winter. The racial season of the fresh season is often exceeded in the field of grass to maintain a Lawn Care Jeffersontown. In the north it is too cold that the grass grows, so we wait patiently for the spring - sometimes under the snow cover, sometimes not. The care of the grass, however, is not entirely in winter.

Winter Lawn Care

1. Fertilize

Apply fertilizer with a spreader.

If you move the machine back and forth on the lawn, grasp the handle as a trigger and release the pellets when firing. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package. Just adjust the recommended amount by Lawn Care Jeffersonville. Be careful because too much fertilizer can burn your grass.

2. Aerate the lawn

Provide some extra air for grass roots by listening to your lawn - to make dirt swords on your lawn to plant holes to sow seeds. You can rent a motorized aerator or a manual version.

3. Spread Cool-Weather Grass Seed

Buy grass seed that says "cold season" or "cool time" in the package, like most hinges. You can sprinkle the seed through the lawn with the same spreader you used for the fertilizer. Try to spread the seed evenly, so you will not get grass seeds later.

4. Stir and water the lawn

Drag a rake over the lawn to clean the bottom clogs and cover the seeds a bit. Water the grass with the hose spray.

Then keep the soil moist - do not let lawn maintenance new it dry.

More Winter Tips

Wipe it off. It is very important not to leave debris, leaves or toys on the lawn. These things can lubricate the grass, create disease conditions and invite insects, mice and other harmful pests.

Slowly cut the height of your mower with a hook or two (.5 "- 1.0") a few times. Excessive long grass can avoid the disease causing the disease and the risk of frostbite and thaw damage. However, do not overlap the grass and screw to expose the crown of the plant to extreme conditions.

Note the traffic. Under the snow cover, or exposed to the elements, inactive grass will tolerate a moderate amount of traffic, but a heavily worn path will be slower to grow in the spring and to cause compaction.

Save time. Peat is very resistant and can tolerate an extreme winter, but certain conditions can be harmful in the long run. Perhaps it may be useful to extract a small exposed ice at a low point if you know that a winter storm is approaching or freezing.
Winters can often be unpredictable and can put your grass through some extreme Lawn Care Jeffersontown conditions during the winter. It is best to make sure that the grass heals, that it has good grass laid down, must control the weather and aims to build in the maintenance of its sidewalks and snowmen.

6 Steps for to early winter Lawn Care

With the autumn approaching us and winter, you probably will not spend much time on your lawn. But autumn, with colder temperatures and occasional showers, is the ideal time to prepare your lawn for the next spring.

Many homeowners think that the grass needs less care in the fall because the grass gets slower. In fact, the exact opposite is true and you may need Lawn Care Jeffersontown. During this time of the year, the grass absorbs energy, moisture and nutrients in preparation for a long and inactive winter. Give it a little attention now, and you will be rewarded with a lush, healthy spring grass. Follow these six tips.

Keep moving

Continue with water and lawn mowing, if necessary, during autumn. Then, when the season ends, place the mower in its lowest position for the last two cuts of the year. That will allow more sunlight to reach the crown of the grass, and fewer leaves will grow in the winter.

* Note: When cutting the blade, do not forget to cut more than one third of the grass leaves at any time, suggested by Louisville Landscaping. If necessary, lower the cutting height gradually to the last two bets.

Lawn Care Jeffersontown (2)


The fall is also an ideal time to listen to your lawn so that oxygen, water and manure can easily reach the roots of the grass. You can rent a gasoline aerator, rear lawn for about $ 70 a day. The self-propelled machine quickly leaks the holes in the floor and removes the dirt stoppers. If you have a very large garden, you say more than 3 or 4 hectares and do not feel like you are flying, hire a horticultural contractor.

Drag the leaves

I know blowing leaves is not fun, but it’s important to remove the fallen leaves from your lawn as quickly as possible. Do not wait until all the leaves of the trees have fallen to get started. If that happens, the leaves will wet the rain and the morning dew, and will form an impermeable carpet that will suffer from the untouched grass and fungal diseases of the breed.

An alternative to hitting leaves is the use of a lawn mower equipped with a collection bag or vacuum system. These methods are particularly effective if you have a very large garden with many deciduous trees. Regardless of whether you use a rake or lawn mower, you must first remove the leaves before becoming a cumbersome, suffocating disaster.


Most lawn experts agree: If you fertilize your grass once a year, do this in the fall. The reason? Leaves of grass grow much slower as the climate cools, but grass roots and rhizomes grow fast. An autumn control supplement provides essential nutrients to grow the grass deep roots Now and keep the nutrients in reserve for a healthy start following spring. You can also lawn works to increase the beauty of you garden.

Wait until the middle of last fall and then apply a dry grass fertilizer to all the lawn areas; be careful not to miss any injuries. You could use a transmission diffuser, but for optimal coverage, consider using a separator. It takes a bit more time, especially on the hillsides, but a drop separator offers the best way to apply a homogeneous layer of fertilizer.


Autumn is also a great time of the year to repair bare, bare spots on your lawn. The fastest and easiest way to do this is with an all-in-one turf repair mix. Sold in most garden shops and home centers, this ready-to-use mixture contains grass seed, a special quick freeze and organic coating.

Use a garden rake to scratch loose ground on the bare spot on your lawn. Then separate a thick layer of lawn mixture across the area. Make the mixture slightly compact, water than thorough, and keep the rest every 2 weeks for another two weeks.


If broad blue weeds like dandelions have taken over your lawn, it’s time to fight. Weeds, like most plants, are in the form of energy absorption during autumn. They drink in everything that comes their way, including weed killers. Apply a herbicide now and the weeds do not come back in spring by the Lawn Care Louisville guidance.

Read the package label for use. Most herbicide manufacturers recommend applying herbicide during early to mid-autumn when daytime temperatures are consistent above 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Late Summer Garden Care Tips

Blood boundaries may begin to fade, but late summer is a time of “gentle fertility” in the garden. Most summer crops can be harvested in, with tomatoes, peppers, sweetcorn and pumpkin reaching their peak. Use warm days for cleaning and organizing tasks too.

Harvesting apples and pears

The first apples and pears in the garden should be ready to choose from August. When you see one or more apples on the ground, this is a sure sign that the fruit is ready to harvest. If you turn an apple in your hand and turn it gently, loosen an effortless ripe fruit from the tree, stalk intact. If you do not get rid of it, leave it behind the tree for a few days before testing again. Pears should be harvested while slightly below the back and ripe. You can also use the professional services of your locals such as lawn care jeffersontown.

Feed the tomatoes

Feed the tomato plants weekly with a high content of potash. Water plants every night, if possible. If you have green tomatoes by the end of the season, bring them in to mature on a sunny window or in the fruit bowl. Remove the yellow leaves and delimit any foliage that is trimmed to the fruits of the fruits. In addition to alleviating more light to reach and ripen fruits, this will improve the circulation of air around the plants and reduce the possibility of botrytis, including the gray fungus. Sometimes its become so hard to fulfill the all requirements so selecting a louisville landscaping will save your time and money too.

Lawn Care New Albany

Fix tree band traps

Female winter moths are unable to fly, so the trunks of apple and pear trees will rise to lay their eggs in winter. To catch them, glue the sticks of the tree belt around the suitcases. Also use tires to prevent moths from reaching the trees through tree lanes.

Raise the onion

When the leaf collapses, the onions are ready to harvest. On a dry day, carefully remove the onions from the soil and allow them to dry. To keep them well and not rotten, they must be completely dry. If the weather gets wet, cover it with a plastic sheet or move it inside. You can consult with the lawn works any time because these guy has been working now many projects and making your lawn and gardens more beautiful.

Net ponds

The leaves will begin to fall as autumn approaches, so be sure to cover your pond with a special mesh to prevent dead leaves from entering and affecting water quality. The nets also protect their fish from herons and other predators.

Rake leaves

Fallen leaves accumulate in the fall on your lawn and can kill the grass when left in a thick layer, as well as encourage snails and snails when more and more plants are left. Rake leaves up regularly, and use them to make brochures or hire some individuals on daily biases contracts like lawn care louisville to remove the plants in a keen and proper way.

Pruning Lavender

As soon as the lavender plants bloom and begin to fade, cross the plants with scissors and cut them again. This stimulates lateral roots to grow and gives plants a tighter, more compact appearance. Rotten roses should also be cut after flowering.

Late Summer Annual LawnCare Tips

Sometimes, when we come to the end of a long and warm summer, it seems that nothing is done but to give up. In August the garden can look tired and colorless. There are some lawn works that can be done now to revive the garden.

Now is a great time to look around and see where "blank" in the garden is; To see how many flowering gardens are. We often see it in white spots because all the plants we buy in the spring are spring or early summer blooms. Now we can go to your local garden center and pick some plants that bloom in the late summer and early fall. Special care needs to be planted, because the temperature can be high and the rain can be low. New plants need water regularly to identify them properly.

Looking at the garden we have already known, here are some things suggested by Lawn Care Jeffersontown, that you can do to keep it in good shape. Irrigation should be our main concern. It is important to keep the plants in the summer season. Generally, plants require a centimeter of water per week and it is best to give it all at one time. A good deep watering once a week will help the plant to build a deep root system and give the plant a good water reservoir that it can draw. Avoid regular spraying because it is not completely wet on the floor. During warm weather, water can be applied to water every five days a week instead of every week. The climate and environment of the plant require water requirements. Maintaining water plants improves them and looks beautiful.

Landscaping Valley Station

Mulch can play important role in the garden. The soil of Terrace Landscaping helps to maintain water, maintains root systems that are cooler and reduces grass problems. At this time of the year, check your jacket to see whether it is still full or degraded in a thin layer. A 2-3 inch layer is a great value. Unless it is enough to do the job.

The topic of fertilizer always occurs in a gardening debate. The question is now: "My plants are plastic?" The end of summer is not always a good time for fertilizers. Plants often do not help you with heat and fatigue from drought and fertilizers. In some cases, it may still be dangerous. Plants in dry soil can burn their nerves, even when using the right amount. If a plant is dry, give it what it needs - water and store the fertilizer again or contact directly to the Louisville Landscaping for professional guidance.

Some plants can be rejuvenated in late summer. If some of your plants grow brown or crushed, they are finished and given a little water to encourage new growth. Many perennials respond favorably to treatments and if there is one or two steps, at least one glance of the garden is removed. Plants that do not grow will do so in the next spring of the root system.

Deadheading can also improve the look of the summer garden in the afternoon. Remove the flowers used to keep the garden clean. You should not kill everything, especially if you try to make the plants or if you try to pull the birds. Determine your target and select dead plants.

Sometimes our last weather gardens are bad because the foot of the grass is placed. If you feel anything that you can not handle for you garden so contact to your local professional as Lawn Care Louisville. In addition, their perennials are better grows without a weed competition.

Do not leave the summer to what you see in your garden. In a few simple steps you can keep the weather beautiful and productive.

Late Summer & Early Fall Gardening Tips

August is a paradox in the garden. Flowers and vegetables are at their peak, while the highest summer. The days are shortened to tell us that autumn and winter are on the way, while most of those who harvest the crops will produce our gardens for the season. Frost may form in September and it is time to think seriously about next year.

Tracking data

Now you have realized that you do not maintain your yard and garden. Possibly grown shade trees and now flower beds, once sunny. Perennial plants that grow their spaces, and certain plants did well, while others do not. Water can be improved. Grass walks in places where they do not belong.

Lawn Care Jeffersontown encourages people to keep a garden diary, so they have an overview of what works and what does not go year after year. If you are a seed variety depreciates everything that I have experienced with fertilizer being used and how to prune your trees, you can constantly improve on what you have already done. Gardening is an endless process, and keeping the notes makes it smooth and less frustrating.

Ornamental plants

Now is the best time to split perennials and transplant them. Use a fork with flat prongs to avoid damage to the roots. A shovel will cut the roots, but a fork will radiate. Decide where to place new plants before digging something.

Vegetable farms have sales at this time of year. Fill in the blanks in the flowerbeds, add more color or texture, or use Terrace Landscaping to experiment with something new. Light bulbs are also available in the fall. Do not forget to add them to your garden design. Plant them after cooling, but before the soil freezes.

Fall is a good time to plant trees and shrubs. They do it best when they have the time to establish their roots before blowing a lot of energy to bloom in the spring.

The pruning of trees and shrubs that flourished in the mid to late summer. Remove the branches that are in contact with each other and rub the bark. This is a good approach to illness. Open the whole plant for better light and circulation by pruning the branches. Make sure you have the desired shape of the plant be careful.


Depending on your area, you can sow cold climate crops for harvesting at the same time. Lettuce, kale, chard, beets, carrots and spinach does not matter the cold weather. Some actually try better after a frost!

When it cools, cut the leaves of your tomato and pepper plants. You can contact to Louisville Landscaping to remove new flowers and leave the energy of the crop plant in the smallest and the most mature.

Put so many products by freezing, drying or canning. Many people love meals and freeze them for busy days when they do not consider for dinner.

Break your vegetable overflow for things that have not grown or to replace failed crops.


Have you introduced an informal garden? Did you just sit on her flowers to relax? Cooler weather is the perfect time to prevent projects.

Look at where, the family and the pet walk. Put the crusherboetes, fall, flagstone or decorative pavers to define these paths.

Create a gazebo or set up a bench in the garden to relax in the afternoon. If you want to see the garden, consider building a deck.

You can use the professional services such as Lawn Works and can enjoy the beauty of your garden in late summer at affordable cost.

There is no end to the gardening season

The fact that the days are shorter and cooler, this does not mean that you should stop thinking about the garden. It’s time to get out of the garden diary, and take care of the things you’ve been thinking all summer long.

As the days continue to shorten and gardening less, let the Lawn Care Louisville to take care of your lawn & gardens, so you’re back in the year to come.